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Symposium 11th and 12th of May

During this meeting the consortium presented it’s progress and several postdocs and PhD-students have shown their research. On day 1 we also had a lecture by keynote speaker Claudia Mauri.

Program day 1

10:15 – 11:15 keynote lecture Claudia Mauri, UCL London (Title: Regulatory B cells in Autoimmunity)
11:20- 12:35 Update from the WPs
12:35- 12:40 Closing of day 1 (Reina Mebius)

Program day 2

9:05-9:20 Luuk Wietske, AMC Update on COVID study
9:20-9:40 Marieke van Ham, Sanquin SARS-CoV2-specific B cell responses
9:40-10:00 Mikhail Volkov, LUMC Comprehensive overview of pathogenic autoantibody isotype and subclass distribution

10:00-10:10 Break

10:10-10:30 Laurent Paardekooper, LUMC Immunophenotyping of IgG4-mediated autoimmune disease
10:30-10:50 Jana Koers, Sanquin Autoantibody Fab glycosylation in autoimmune disease
10:50-11:10 Esther Vletter, LUMC Immunoglobulin variable domain glycosylation affects autoreactive B cell (-and possibly Follicular Lymphoma cell-) activation and is predictive for disease development in rheumatoid arthritis

11:10-11:20 Break

11:20-11:40 Sabrina Pollastro, Sanquin Performing BCR sequencing within TTB consortium
11:40-11:55 Taco Kuijpers Immuno Health XL brief update
11:55-12:00 Rene Toes Extra budget announcement
12:00-12:20 Time for discussion
12:20-12:25 Closing

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